9) Tables, Photos, and Figures
- Each table or picture should use an independent page and not exceed one page.
- Add explanations that can be understood without consulting a paper, and specify statistical results.
- Write the title of table in English at the top. Write their contents in English and Arabic numerals and their titles clearly in paragraphs or phrases. Do not put a period in the end.
- Any graph should be large enough not to lose its meaning. In a bar graph, bars should be illustrated in black and white so simply and clearly as to be identified.
- In any table or picture, put numbers in order of citations.
- Explain the abbreviations at the lower part of the table concerned.
- Explain the symbols at footnotes in order of *, †, ‡, §, ∥, ¶, **, †† and ‡‡
- Begin any table or picture with "Table 1", "Fig. 1.' etc., and cite it in the text as "Table 1", "Fig. 1'.
- Submit original figures. If a figure has indicators, submit an additional one without indicators.
- Figures have to be submitted as separate files saved in JPEG, TIFF, GIF, EPS, or PPT format (do not embed the figures in the MS Word manuscript file). The figure resolution should be at least 600 dpi for grayscale and color images and 1,200 dpi for line figures at the final size. Color images must be saved in CMYK mode (and not in RGB mode). Photographs of recognizable person should be accompanied by a signed release from the patient or legal guardian authorizing publication. Legends for figures must appear on a separate page at the end of the manuscript file.