Bylaws of KACAP

Chapter 1 General provisions

Article 1: (Name)
The name of the association is Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (KACAP), hereinafter to be called the Association.
Article 2: (Purpose)
The purpose of the Association is to promote the mental health of children and adolescents by advance in research and education of child and adolescent psychiatry and by friendship among members, and to contribute to the enhancement of the rights and interests of the members.
Article 3: (Headquarters, Research Groups)
1) Headquarters: The headquarters of the Association is at 11th floor Room 1107, Woosung Character 199 Officetel Unjoo-ro 118 Gangnam-gu, Seoul
2) Research groups: In this association, research groups can be arranged according to subspecialties. The establishment and operation of the research groups shall be in accordance with the regulations of the groups.

Chapter 2 Affairs

Article 4: (Affairs)
In order to achieve its purpose, the Association shall conduct the following affairs.
A. Hosting of academic events
B. Research projects related to child and adolescent psychiatry
C. Publication of journals and books
D. Affairs that contribute to the promotion of children and adolescents mental health
E. Affairs to promote friendship and increase rights and interests of the members
F. Other matters necessary to achieve the purpose of the Association

Chapter 3 Membership

Article 5: (Registration for membership)
The members of the Association shall agree with the purpose of this association and cooperate to achieve them. They shall submit a written application for membership with recommendation from two or more full members for review, They shall pay an admission fee and annual membership fee set forth by the Association. Annual membership payment shall be in accordance with Article 8.
Article 6 : (Classes of Membership)
Members can be divided into full members and special members, and the full members consists of professional members and general members. The qualifications shall be as follows.
A. Professional members shall be board-certified psychiatrists with a certificate in child and adolescent psychiatry acknowledged by the training committee of the association and shall be in agreement with the purpose of the Association.
B. General members shall be board-certified psychiatrists who are engaged in or interested in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry, and shall be in agreement with the purpose of the Association.
C. Special members shall be those who have qualifications and are currently engaged in adjacent fields (pediatrics, behavioral medicine, psychology, special education, speech pathology, nursing, social welfare, pedagogy, child studies, etc.), and shall be in agreement with the purpose of the Association.
Article 7 : (The privilege of members)
A. The members shall have a voice in all meetings, and shall receive various publications and proofs issued by this association.
B. The members have the privilege to participate in various academic activities and other events, including academic conferences hosted by the association.
C. Full members have the privilege to vote, electoral eligibility, and other prescribed voting rights.
Article 8: (The responsibility of members)
A. The members shall comply with the bylaws, regulations and resolutions of the Association. However, honorary members and senior members over the age of 70 are exempt from the obligation to pay dues.
B. The members are obliged to pay their dues. They may choose between annual fees or a lifetime fee.
1) (Annual fee) The annual fee set forth by the Association shall be payed every year.
2) (Lifetime fee) The lifetime fee is set forth by the Association. The annual fee is waived after payment of the lifetime fee.
Article 9: (Disciplinary action, revocation and restoration of membership)
A. Members who have acted against the purpose of this association or have impaired the dignity of this association may receive a disciplinary action or lose their membership according to the decision made by the Board of Directors after evaluation by the Ethics and Reward Committee.
B. A member who commits a major ethical or social wrongdoing may receive a disciplinary action or lose their membership according to the decision made by the Board of Directors after evaluation by the Ethics and Reward Committee.
C. The ethics code of the members and the organization of the Ethics and Reward Committee follow separate regulations.
D. Members who fail to pay annual fees for three years without a valid justification shall automatically lose their membership.
E. If a member who has lost his/her membership wishes to restore the membership, the member shall go through the same initial registration process.

Chapter 4 Board members

Article 10: (Board members)
The Association includes the following board members.
A. A Chairperson (Adjunct president)
B. A Chairperson-elect
C. Directors: The number and term of office shall be determined by Article 12 and Article 17.
D. Two Auditors
Article 11: (Election of board members)
The process of electing board members shall be as follows.
A. The chairperson-elect and auditors shall be elected among full members by the Board of Directors.
B. The chairperson shall be recommended among full members by the chairperson-elect and approved by the Board of Directors.
C. Election of others not specified by the rules of the Association shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
A. The term of office of chairman, chairman-elect, and auditors is 2 years.
B. The term of the directors is 2 years, and they may be reappointed for additional terms.
C. In case of vacancy among the board members, the Board of Directors may hold a by-election and the term of office of the board members elected by the by-election shall be the remainder of the predecessors term of office.
Article 13: (Responsibilities of board members)
A. The chairperson shall represent the association, preside over affairs of the association, and shall be the chairperson of the Board of Directors.
B. The chairperson-elect shall assist the chairperson and shall take on the authorities and responsibilities of the chairperson in case of incapacity.
C. Directors shall conduct the assigned tasks, and shall be the chairperson of each committee.
D. The auditors shall audit general affairs and finance.
Article 14: (Advisors)
The association can appoint a certain number of seniors who can contribute to the development of the Association as advisors through resolution of the board of directors.

Chapter 5 Organization

Article 15: (Composition of the organization)
The association shall have the following organizations.
A. General board
B. Board of directors
C. Committees
Article 16: (General board)
A. Regular general meetings shall be held once a year at the annual fall conference, Resolution requires an approval by the majority of the full members present. (Delegation shall be deemed as attendance)
B. Extraordinary general meetings can be convened by the chairman according to the following conditions.
1) With the request from more than 30 ordinary members
2) With the equest from the Board of Directors
C. The chairperson shall be the chairperson of the general meeting.
D. The general meeting shall discuss and resolve the following matters.
1) Major resolutions delegated by the Board of Directors
2) Reports on affairs and finance
3) Resolution of the general meeting regarding suspension of qualification is limited to the suspension of the chairperson.
Article 17: (Board of Directors)
A. The Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings for more than 4 times a year, and a extraordinary board meeting shall be convened by the chairperson when the chairperson acknowledges that it is necessary, or when there is a request from more than 3 enrolled directors.
B. A board meeting will be held with the attendance of 2/3 of the enrolled directors (Delegation shall be deemed as attendance) and resolution requires the consent of the majority of the directors present. The chairman has no voting rights but shall make the final decision in case of a tie.
C. The Board of Directors is consisted of a chairperson, chairperson-elect, and of about 10 directors and shall conduct the following duties.
1) Director of General Affairs
2) Director of Academic Affairs
3) Director of Education and Training Evaluation
4) Planning Director
5) Director of Journal Editing
6) Director of School Mental Health
7) Director of Clinical Practice Evaluation
8) Director of Public Relations
9) Director of International Affairs
10) Director of Ethics and Rewards
11) Director of Specialty Examination
12) Director of External Affairs
13) Director of Disaster and Trauma
14) Director at Large
15) Special Director (Organization of a special committee according to needs)
D. The director may form a committee consisted of a certain number of members to carry out the assigned duties and shall be the chairperson of each committee.
E. The Board of Directors shall evaluate and resolve the following issues.
1) Issues regarding the election and approval of board members
2) Evaluation of new members, change in membership qualification and honors and awards of the members
3) Planning of affairs and execution of duties
4) Issues regarding distribution, execution and settlement of budget
5) Issues regarding admission fee, annual membership fee, conference registration fee and training course fees
6) Issues regarding rules, regulations and amendment
7) Selection of members of each committee and evaluation/ approval of resolutions
8) Appointment of an adviso
9) Issues delegated by the general board
10) Other issues necessary to achieve the purpose of the association

Chapter 6 Academic activities

Article 18: (Academic activities)
A. Academic conferences shall be held twice a year.
B. The chairperson of the Association shall be the chair of the conference.
C. As part of other academic activities, training courses and topic session will be held and journals will be published as necessary.
Article 19: (Academic Awards)
A. Academic awards may be established to promote academic activities and enhance research motivation of the members.
B. Establishment and evaluation of academic awards shall be implemented in accordance with the academic awards regulations.
Article 20: (Research funds)
A. Research funds may operated to promote academic activities and enhance research motivation of the members.
B. The management and finances of research funds shall be implemented in accordance with the research fund regulations.

Chapter 7 Finance

Article 21:
A. The finances of the Association shall be covered by membership fees, annual membership fees, conference registration fees, training course fees, donations, subsidies and miscellaneous funds.
B. Admission fees, annual membership feed, academic conference registrations fees and training course fees shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
Article 22: (Fiscal year)
The fiscal year starts on January 1st every year.

Chapter 8 Rule Amendment

Article 23: (Rule amendment)
Rule amendment shall be determined with the approval of the Board of Directors, or with the consent of the majority of the ordinary members present at the general meeting when there is a request of more than 50 ordinary members.

Chapter 9 Addendum

Article 24
Details not specified in the rules shall be defined by enforcement regulations, and other matters shall be determined by general convention.
Article 25
The rules have been in determined at the general meeting of 2003 and shall enter into force starting with the 2003 office.
Article 26: (Transition provisions)
A. The first chairperson shall be the chairperson of the 2003 office.
B. The chairperson-elect and first directors shall be elected after approval of the previous seeming committee.
C. Enforcement regulations, including the ethics code, committee regulations, award regulations and research fund regulations shall be evaluated and resolved by the Board of Directors and announced at a regular general meeting after finalization of the general rules.
The amendment of Article 27 shall enter into force on December 22nd, 2011.
The amendment of Article 28 shall enter into force after the 2013 general meeting (November 9th, 2013).
The amendment of Article 29 shall enter into force after the 2015 general meeting (November 14th, 2015).